Company Profile
“Reputation: years to build, seconds to destroy”
We believe that companies with a clearly articulated strategy that is reflected in their long-term purpose are more likely to have engaged employees, loyal customers, and support from other key stakeholders.
The quality of Plus Capital’s performance is assured not only by the regulatory environment within which it operates, but also by the business model that drives the organisation.
Plus Capital’s business model was specifically designed to remove the opportunity for conflicts of interest to arise with the organisations it works with. The relationships it has and the relationships it seeks are those that endure because of the quality of service that Plus Capital delivers.
The path we follow is illuminated by the following principles:
We will refute conflicts of interest and will conduct all our dealings in a highly ethical manner.
We will Create, Build and Maintain an environment that encourages innovation, original thought and the ability to challenge in a constructive way.
​We encourage forward thinking; the ability to think strategically and understand the role of risk assessment and control.
We will attract, motivate and retain unusually talented and ambitious professionals who share a passion for the investment business and an antipathy for corporate bureaucracy and office politics.
We will encourage and nurture an entrepreneurial, collegial and action-oriented business culture in which "fun" is inevitable.
Humanitarian Commitment:
Plus Capital's management and personnel support with time, advice and resources the Coalition Of Hope Foundation (COH) a private foundation which seeks to provide two former US Navy (LHA) warships as dedicated humanitarian assistance and disaster relief vessels designated as HADR/V platforms .
The 40,000 tons ships involved (the former USS Tarawa, and USS Peleliu) will incorporate state-of the-art hospital facilities, an array of +3,000 coalition (military) medical personnel, extensive air-lift capability (up to 38 helicopters), heavy construction equipment, industrial trucks, cranes and other humanitarian/disaster relief supplies context of a multinational, nation-state sponsored, public-private partnership. The introduction of these ships will allow to respond to unforeseen catastrophic events faster and better equipped than any other military or civilian element in existence. The ships are uniquely able to deliver personnel and equipment via air, sea (amphibious landing craft) and at dockside.
The COH estimates that each of these ships of hope could positively impact upwards of 20 million lives in their refurbished capacity.
Our Partners:
Plus Capital Ltd. is registered with and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority – registration number 460791 – the independent body and regulator of all providers of financial services in the United Kingdom. Plus Capital’s Founder and Senior Executive, has been registered with the FCA since 1990.
Ernst & Young Global Limited, doing business as EY, is a multinational professional services network with headquarters in London, England. EY is one of the largest professional services networks in the world, and it is considered one of the Big Four accounting firms.
HSBC Holdings plc is a British multinational investment bank and financial services holding company. It is the second largest bank in Europe, with total assets of $2.984 trillion (as of December 2020).
Baker McKenzie LLP is a multinational law firm, it has 77 offices in 46 countries, and over 6,000 lawyers worldwide. It is one of the largest law firms in the world by headcount and revenue. Since 2010, Baker McKenzie has been recognised as the top law firm in the world.